
Health, Safety, and Environment

Safety Is Our Standard

At ConTeras, we understand that maintaining excellent safety culture should be a top priority in our industry. But our belief is that its importance goes far beyond that. Our stringent safety standards stem from our belief that it is our moral obligation to protect our employees, customers, and the communities where we work. Maintaining a safe work environment is simply the right thing to do.

We believe that working safely is every employee’s responsibility. For that reason, we cultivate a safety culture that empowers every employee—from field technicians to CEOs—to actively participate in our safety programs. We train our employees that silence is permission, expecting everyone to report and act on unsafe conditions or behaviors.

Safety Is Our Standard

Our company believes in zero harm to people, property, and the environment.

Safety First Initiatives

Leading indicator performance metrics
Job safety analysis
Employee observation programs
Toolbox talks
Recognition for safe work
Project HSE inspections and audits
Personal protective equipment
100% fall protection

Join Us As We Take Safety Standards to New Heights

Whether you’re looking for a contractor you can trust, seeking to join a team that puts safety first, or wanting to learn more about becoming part of our family of exceptional businesses.

Contact us today to see how ConTeras’ winning safety culture can help you, your project, or your business reach new heights.

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